Archive for February 2022
Cataract Surgery’s Impact on Dementia
Failing senses are a key risk factor in developing dementia as one ages. Scientists are learning that if sight and hearing are preserved, it goes a long way towards preventing a slide into dementia. A recent study on the impact of having cataract surgery is further proof of this theory. Kaiser Permanente studied more than…
Read MoreViatris is First to Receive FDA Approval of Generic Restasis®
There are many over-the-counter dry eye products, but very few prescription drugs that are specifically for treating dry eye. The most popular prescrition drug for dry is undoubtedly Restasis, which is a Cyclosporine emulsion. While Restasis is an effective treatment option, it’s not cheap, and cost has been a significant barrier for some patients. We’re…
Read MoreFebruary is AMD and Low Vision Awareness Month
February has been declared “AMD Awareness Month”. AMD stands for Acquired Macular Degeneration, which affects many as they age. While great strides have been made in the prevention and management of AMD, the condition remains a challenge. notes the following risk factors for AMD: Family history of AMD Aging – those over 60 years…
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