Does Vuity Work? Are there any risks?
We often get excited about new drugs that come to the market and the benefits they offer. Because of a new ad campaign by Allergan, you may have caught up in the excitement of a very OLD drug that’s been released for a new purpose. Vuity, is an Ophthalmic solution containing pilocarpine hydrochloride 1.25%. Pilocarpine…
Read MoreCataract Surgery’s Impact on Dementia
Failing senses are a key risk factor in developing dementia as one ages. Scientists are learning that if sight and hearing are preserved, it goes a long way towards preventing a slide into dementia. A recent study on the impact of having cataract surgery is further proof of this theory. Kaiser Permanente studied more than…
Read MoreViatris is First to Receive FDA Approval of Generic Restasis®
There are many over-the-counter dry eye products, but very few prescription drugs that are specifically for treating dry eye. The most popular prescrition drug for dry is undoubtedly Restasis, which is a Cyclosporine emulsion. While Restasis is an effective treatment option, it’s not cheap, and cost has been a significant barrier for some patients. We’re…
Read MoreFebruary is AMD and Low Vision Awareness Month
February has been declared “AMD Awareness Month”. AMD stands for Acquired Macular Degeneration, which affects many as they age. While great strides have been made in the prevention and management of AMD, the condition remains a challenge. PreventBlindness.org notes the following risk factors for AMD: Family history of AMD Aging – those over 60 years…
Read MoreSwimming Pool Eye Safety Tips
School’s out and it’s time for summer! For many of us, summer time means a lot of trips to the pool, but before we dive in, we should take a look at what we should be doing to protect our eyes while we’re cooling off underwater. Invest In A Good Pair Of Goggles Have you…
Read MoreEnjoy The Fireworks (But Protect Your Eyes)
The Fourth of July is a wonderful day to enjoy good food, good company, and, of course, an awe-inspiring fireworks display. If we want to be able to keep enjoying the sight of the rockets’ red glare in future years, however, we need to make sure we’re not putting our eyes at unnecessary risk of…
Read MoreFinding Your Perfect Summer Shades
Summer is a great time to get some cool sunglasses and relax on the beach, but we should really be wearing our sunglasses all year. Choosing the right pair of sunglasses is a little more complicated than finding the ones that best suit your style. Our first priority should always be finding the pair that…
Read MoreUV Rays And Our Vision
With summer just around the corner, a lot of us are probably looking forward to getting a lot of sun. However, it’s important to be careful not to expose our eyes (or our skin) to too much ultraviolet radiation, as it can cause a number of problems both in the short-term and the long-term. What…
Read MoreWhy We Need Tears
We tend to only think of tears when something makes us cry, whether we’re watching a touching or tragic movie or we’re laughing so hard that our eyes water. However, tears are really the unsung heroes of eye health. They come in different types and there’s more to them than just water, so let’s take…
Read MoreLet’s Look At Women’s Eye Health
We all know there are differences between men and women, but it might surprise you that some of those differences have to do with our eyes! In general, women are less likely than men to sustain an eye injury during their lifetime, but the unfortunate tradeoff is being more susceptible to various eye diseases. Women…
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